Category Fish Tank Knowledge

It is important to have the right knowledge to set up, maintain and enjoy a healthy aquarium. We are here to help provide resources, tips, and advice to make sure your home fish tank is successful. Here you will find detailed instructions on how to set up an aquarium, suggestions on the types of fish that can live together in harmony, and helpful hints on how to keep your tank clean and running effectively.

Can Betta Fish Live with Goldfish

betta fish vs goldfish

Keeping exotic fish as pets has become increasingly popular over the years, and many aquarists have their eyes on some of the more interesting species. One of the most popular choices for beginner and experienced aquarists alike is the betta…

How Intelligent Are Betta Fish

Betta Fish in Fish Tank

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are known for their vibrant colors and fascinating personalities, often exhibiting behaviors that appear to be quite intelligent. But how smart are they really?…

Can Fish Tank Be Kept in Bedroom

Keep a Fish Tank In Bedroom

Having a fish tank in the bedroom can be an enjoyable experience for many people. It is not only calming and visually pleasing to have an aquarium in the bedroom, but it can also provide an educational opportunity for those…

Why Do Fish Tanks Need Bubbles?

Bubbling in Fish Tank

Fish tank bubbles are air bubbles that are created in an aquarium by an air pump, filter, decoration, or another device. The bubbles provide oxygen to the water and create movement and agitation. It helps keep your fish healthy and…

What Fish Clean the Tank

Can Fish Help Clean Tank

Keeping an aquarium can be a rewarding and calming experience, but it requires regular maintenance to stay healthy. Fish that clean the aquarium are a great way to make the cleaning process easier and less time-consuming. But which fish are…